TOK Exhibition Examples: 3 Sample Ideas to Help You Get a 10

The ToK exhibition project can be overwhelming if you’re just getting started. So let’s look at some examples to boost your motivation and keep you on the right track.

To be clear:

We spent more than 72 hours studying a few sample commentaries, and we ended up with a clear picture of what a comprehensive exhibition looks like.

The examples in this guide are practical and structural approaches that you can implement right away, even if you only have a few days left to submit the exhibition project.

Key Takeaways

  • For the assignment, you’ll need to choose an IA prompt, identify objects with real-world context, and use the objects to unpack the prompt.
  • Every object must link to each other, to the prompt, and to one of any of the themes taught in the subject.

If you already know how to work on the project but you have less time left, order an exhibition here and one of our top writers will help you get the work done on time. We’ll assimilate you in our writing process, so you can get the best results fast.

Theory of Knowledge Exhibition Examples

You need to understand the exhibition format to score a 10 for the project. That’s because the structure is an important framework for the 950-word commentary.

The problem is:

It’s difficult to score an excellent if you don’t know what to include in each section of the standard outline.

To make things easier for you, let’s look at how to write each section. We also give you enough examples for clarity.

ToK Exhibition Title Example

For this, you have to choose one question from the prompts provided by IBO. Write the prompt that you choose at the top of your document. Then, bold and center it.

  • Example: 13. How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge?

The title should appear on your page exactly as provided. You should not reword it in any way. Also, you can’t change the question into a statement that questions knowledge.

Don’t forget to indicate the prompt number, as we’ve indicated in the example above.

ToK Exhibition Introduction Example

You don’t necessarily have to write an introduction for your Theory of Knowledge Exhibition. The guide doesn’t state this as a requirement.

While you can ignore this part altogether, including an intro can be a starting point to build your exploration. So, it makes sense to include it in your work.

  • Example: We can define knowledge as justified true belief. However, there are many types of knowledge and some don’t fit well within this definition.

Here, you state what the selected prompt means to you and then explain why you believe it’s an interesting question to explore.

The length of the introduction should not exceed 30 words.

ToK Exhibition Object Examples

First, understand that the length of your commentary must not be more than 950 words. If anything, you have a slim chance to make a good first impression.

The introduction has already taken up 30 words. Now we have 920 words left, of which 50 words is the length of the introduction. That means the description for each object will be 290 words.

Here’s how to get your image placement and descriptions right, plus relevant examples to reinforce our points:

Image of the Physical Object

One thing to note is that as long as you captured the images yourself rather than downloading them from the internet, you should get credit for your effort.

The image of your object should appear at the center of the page and it should take no more than ¼ of the page.

You should follow the image of the object with a definition, how or where you used it, and its real-world context.

Here’s a practical example:

  • Example: This is a detectable calculator. I use it in doing my HL
  • Mathematics IA: The calculator helps me to graph functions. With this detectable calculator, I can easily graph functions even if I don’t initially understand what they are.

Your Image Can Be Digital

IBO states that an object for the ToK exhibition project can be in digital form.

We know that a tweet by a famous public figure such as Joe Biden or Donald Trump may be something you don’t use yourself. However, it has a real-world context attached to it, which makes it a suitable object for your exhibition.

Just ensure you link the context of the digital object (tweet) to the selected prompt and show how it answers the question.

Here’s an example:

  • Example: The use of the detectable calculator to graph functions in my SL Math assignment leaves an open question of how much knowledge I possess about functions.

Objects Must Have Real-World Context

The project guidelines make it clear that the objects (or images of the objects) that you choose must have a clear, specific real-world context.

Your teacher should understand exactly what you’re trying to prove.

  • Example: This shows that how I have been using the calculator probably makes it unclear whether my ability to use a calculator to graph functions make it count as knowledge or otherwise.

These examples apply to all the three objects.

Make sure that the points you make about each object (or image of the object) is unique and independent. No one in your classroom or entire school should present the same objects as yours.

Also, you should link your explanation of the prompt’s content to the second and the third object.

Final Thoughts

The purpose of these ToK exhibition examples is to show you how to structure your project in a way that makes sense. The result should be an assignment that earns you good grades – if not an excellent.

Given how clear these examples are, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to follow along and write a comprehensive commentary. And should you need professional writing help, don’t hesitate to click here to order writing assistance.

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