TOK Exhibition Tips: 9 Ideas to Help You Get An Excellent

The ToK exhibition project doesn’t have to be difficult to complete.

If you choose the right prompt, identify relevant objects, and use these to show how Theory of Knowledge manifests itself in the real world, you’ll be on your way to get 10 out of 10. 

In this guide, we give you some handy tips to pass ToK exhibition. Specifically, the ideas we’ve shared below can help you to score an excellent on this assignment.

Let’s get started.

Key Takeaways

  • While the ToK exhibition assignment isn’t as easy, you can get it right if you follow our lead.
  • The assignment is worth 33% of the final Theory of Knowledge grades, so it’s important to give it the attention it deserves.
  • Because your ToK teacher marks the work before sending it for external moderation, you have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback that can help you increase your chances of scoring an excellent.

9 Tips to Help You Pass Your ToK Exhibition Assignment

The goal of the Theory of Knowledge exhibition project is to test your ability to use learned concepts to demonstrate how ToK manifests itself in the real world.

So here are helpful ToK exhibition tips that can go a long way to help you score an excellent for the project:

1. Start Early

Let’s start by making it clear that IB is a challenging program. In fact, it has the highest dropout rate, which is incomparable to A-Levels, Advanced Placement, and regular secondary school program.

But the difficulty doesn’t have to bother you that much if you start working on your project early.

In our experience, IB has no room for procrastination. A week’s delay could cripple your chances of earning a diploma and therefore you don’t want to take unnecessary risks.

So, start working on your projects early and you’ll sail smoothly throughout the course.

2. Look at Existing Examples

Don’t panic if you don’t know how to complete the commentary. Instead, look at already existing examples to get a clue on how to proceed.

Be sure to check these examples against the assessment instrument and consider how many points you think each sample would deserve.

Simply looking at what other people have done can give you a clear picture of what your exhibition should sound.

3. Choose the Right IA Prompt

Many students get this part wrong, and you don’t want to make this academic mistake.

Don’t merely choose an IA prompt based on sheer excitement or because it looks easy on the face value. Instead, you should read the entire list and do some preliminary research. Doing so will allow you to single out the most relevant prompt out of the 35 options.

Note that the prompt list corresponds to the concepts covered in the classroom. And it’s your responsibility to figure out how the prompt you choose links to knowledge issues.

4. Select the Right Objects

IB requires you to find three objects for the exhibition project, and these must have a tight link to the selected prompt.

Ensure that the objects you choose meet the following criteria:

  • You can present real objects or images of the objects. 
  • Every object must have existed at a specific time and space. Also, it must have a real-world context.
  • The objects should not only be interesting but also relate to Theory of Knowledge. 
  • You’re free to create objects based on observations outside your classroom, subject course, or school experiences.

5. Do Your Research

Choosing an IA prompt and objects is not enough. You have to invest your time in original research, and you’ll definitely get credit for it.

Look at the best and most relevant sources and gather as much data as you can. Then organize your research based on the standard structure of the commentary.

6. Don’t Hold Group Discussions

We can’t stress enough how important it is to focus on your own independent work. The exhibition is an individual project, so ensure you keep it that way through to the end.

You’re welcome to consult your teacher and use their feedback to improve your work. However, you cannot hold a similar session with your fellow students.

7. Get Professional ToK Exhibition Help

Here’s the deal: 

It takes time and effort to select a prompt and identify objects that have a real-world context. So, you might want to get help if you feel stuck.

You can order a ToK exhibition here and one of our talented IB writers will help you to get the assignment completed on time. Whether you’re in a last minute rush or you just need professional help, you can benefit from our writing experience. 

Our writing process includes selection and discussion of the IA prompt, selection of objects, and writing the commentary.

8. Prepare Your Exhibition File

The final step of the assignment is to prepare and submit the exhibition file. This file is important for internal assessment and external moderation.

Ensure your ToK exhibition file includes the following:

  • A self-descriptive title that includes the selected IA prompt
  • Clear images of the three objects
  • A written commentary
  • Citations and references, which should be accurate

9. Prepare for the Presentation Session

There is a mandatory presentation session for the exhibition. Your teacher doesn’t grade you for this, but you should prepare for it nonetheless.

Understand that the presentation session is your opportunity to demonstrate your work to the available audience, which may include your parents, fellow students, and guests.

How and where to do your presentation depends on your ToK teacher’s decision.

They may find it fit to hold the session during your regular classes, in the class of other IB students, or in other schools that teach IB.

Other options include an exhibit to the members of the community that live around or near your school or a virtual exhibition.

Final Thoughts On ToK Exhibition Tips

Because the exhibition project is the once-in-a-lifetime assignment, you should work hard enough on it and give it your very best.

Remember, your goal is to strive to score 10 out 10, which equates to 33% of the final ToK grades, or at least a 9, which is still an excellent score.

If you have any question about the exhibition project, or you need professional help to complete the assignment on time, feel free to get in touch with us.

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